The Black Death Can Be Transmited By Rats And Mice
samedi 26 octobre 20130
Whatdoyouknowaboutthedisease that mice, andrats can transmit ?
The Black Death (plague)
Plague is an acute infectious bacterial disease, a common disease among humans and animals and is classified as a quarantine disease that causes
serious epidemics. The plague is divided into three sections, the three types have different methods of transmission and spread from one species to another, namely:
- Bubonic plague:
The most frequent type, Ratmice and rodents are considered the natural reservoir of the disease, it is transmitted among them by fleas, it cause death to the rodents. After that the, the fleas' epidemics are transmitted from the rodents dead bodies and it attacks the human body to feed on blood, and become infectious for several months later.
- Pneumonic plague:
The most dangerous types of plague for ease of transmission and spread among close contacts of the patient, especially in climatic conditions and unhealthy environment, waste travels through the infected person to a healthy person.
The initial symptoms are headache, weakness, cough with blood or vomit blood. We can not distinguish these symptoms from several other diseases of the respiratory tract. Without diagnosis and treatment, the infection can be fatal within one to six days. If the disease is not treated early, the chances of death are 100%.
-- Toxic Plague:
This is similar to the type bubonic plague in its way of transmission, where the disease is transmitted by fleas from rodents to humans.
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